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Poker Theory
Game Theory is nothing but application of mathematically arrived conclusions based on available information. Regrettably in Poker, unlike a game like chess, not all information is available; Therefore, many of the best mathematical calculations are not rewarded by a win, at least in the short run.

In Poker it is not odd to see a player profess his superior intellectual capacity and knowledge of game poker game theory to all who will listen and then get beaten soundly by (according to him) a player with considerably less brain power.

This leads us to the question of intellectual ability as a factor in poker. While there is no doubt that there is maybe more brain power collectively in poker than any other popular sport and that it is highly implausible any top professional could survive without superior intellect; there is obviously more to a true poker professional than measly intelligence.

So what are the not so obvious qualities you need as a crown poker player? Some of the topgrade players have often defined the most important quality to achieve Top player status is "possessing Heart" or "courage." We tend to concur with this as we have seen many an intellectual giant fall prey to bad beats or been conned away from a pot by someone with a few less I.Q. points, but a lot more heart.

We don't mean to lessen the many other important qualities you need to stay on top; however, Heart or courage definitely is the critical component of a top player.

Poker theory differs from one game to another and it would also differ from offline game to online game. Enlarge your understanding of the growing world of poker, keep tabs on all of the key tournaments and research new ideas and principles through the following links. In online game there are a few more points to take care of like server stats, internet connectivity, and the fact that we don’t see the players and that the players could most likely be using software to simulate the game before playing. So in online game, technology has advanced the way we play poker to make fine changes in poker theory.