Poker Books
There are numerous classic poker books, poker television broadcasts and poker videos that are available to help you become a better and quicker poker player! Make sure that you buy poker books that are equivalent to your playing skill. Some books are very basic even as others are more technical. It typically depends on the author or poker pro who is presenting the material.
The Theory of Poker by David Sklansky describes check-raising, position, reading hands, and heads-up play. The chapters on pot adds, effective odds, and implied odds are very useful and form the foundation for any serious poker player. We must know the math behind the poker decisions that we should make and this book is the best available source for achieving this. It comes with a good index, a glossary, and basic rules on how to play poker.
A word of warning: the books by Sklansky books are a bit hard to read. They adopt a dry, technical approach and pack a lot of information into a short space. The Sklansky books can be a bit intimidating if you are new to poker, but stick with it, it will truly be worth it in the long run. You need to understand the raw essentials before you can get a little more fancy. Read this book and surely it will stay with you for the rest of your life. After you finish reading this book, read something more specific to Hold'em and advanced playing concepts ... something like the Harrington on Hold'em books.
Mike Caro's Book of Poker Tells is a standard in books on poker tells. This original book is akin to the Harrington books in that you can soak up chunks of information at a time. Each tell is explained in a page or two. Right in the beginning Mike declares his concept of tells: “Players are either acting or they aren't. If they are acting, then decide what they want you to do and disappoint them.”
In addition to 58 tells (chapters) in this book, some additional aural (sound) tells are also discussed in the book.. There are hundreds of black & White photographs to help show the tells. Three broad categories of tells are found in the book :- tells from those who are unaware of their tells, tells from those who are aware of their tells (actors), and general tells. Play-along photo quiz at the end of the book is a unique feature actually helping you learn. The information in the book could also be used to intentionally show false tells to your opponents.