Poker Bluffing
Everyone wishes to bluff. Just imagine all those times you have seen a flick where everyone's playing poker and the cool guy with the cigar in his teeth lays down those horrible cards everyone else just folded to. Isn’t that wonderful? Well, the thing is, it seldom works that way. Bluffing can be very successful, but only at certain times, and at other times it can get you into trouble instead of out of it.
The best times to bluff are few, but if you do them right, and at the right time, you should be fine. When many of the other players have already folded and only a few people left in the hand, it is a good time to try, mainly because it’s easier to trick two people than five or six. The problem is that this is a pretty obvious ploy, so they possibly know what you are up to. When youre gaming against tight players start your bluff early, in the pre-flop or flop, and you might scare them off. Tight players usually fold to begin with, though, so do not look ahead to win any huge pots off them. And if they do not run away, then maybe you should because they have most likely got a monster hand. If you bet big in the pre-flop and didn’t pull what you had expected to, just remember: the other players do not know you didn’t get the cards you were hoping for, hence you might get a couple of them here. And if you’ve just won a big hand through clearly good play, play your next hand the same way and they might imagine you have got another monster and fold. Avoid using these tricks too often, though, or your opponents will end up spotting them a mile away.The best times to bluff are few, but if you do them right, and at the right time, you should be fine. When many of the other players have already folded and only a few people left in the hand, it is a good time to try, mainly because it’s easier to trick two people than five or six. The problem is that this is a pretty obvious ploy, so they possibly know what you are up to. When youre gaming against tight players start your bluff early, in the pre-flop or flop, and you might scare them off. Tight players usually fold to begin with, though, so do not look ahead to win any huge pots off them. And if they do not run away, then maybe you should because they have most likely got a monster hand. If you bet big in the pre-flop and didn’t pull what you had expected to, just remember: the other players do not know you didn’t get the cards you were hoping for, hence you might get a couple of them here. And if you’ve just won a big hand through clearly good play, play your next hand the same way and they might imagine you have got another monster and fold. Avoid using these tricks too often, though, or your opponents will end up spotting them a mile away.
Do not bluff just for the sake of bluffing because that is when its bound to backfire on you. Refrain from bluffing if you have just been caught in a bluff, when there are a lot of players at the poker table, or if you’ve been losing a lot of hands and they are expecting you to.
Now, these are pretty universal bluffs- most players worth their salt already know all about these, and they may even be employing the same tricks against you, so be careful and keep your eyes open. You should always ensure you know the players you are up against, know what they will and will not fold to, know what traps they will fall for, things like that.